Our Son Is Born!
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Posted by
Andrew Bontorno
11:50 AM
I viewed a great exhibit at the Whitney Museum on Buckminister Fuller. He was a very progressive cross-disciplinary thinker, designer, architect, engineer and scientist. Though some of his work was overly idealistic, many of his designs and ideas have influenced the world we see around us today. Following are just a few of his works.
The undistorted world map.
The Dymaxion vehicle had 3 wheels and streamline design. It got 25-30 miles per gallon, went up to 125mph and was environmentally friendly.
One example of his geodesic dome structures.
An inexpensive, recycled home.
This would be one of his more far-out ideas. Using lightweight materials to build a huge dome over 50 blocks of Manhattan, this structure would be climate controlled and pollution free. And to think we thought we lived in a bubble in Provo!
Posted by
Andrew Bontorno
4:53 PM
Below is my newly acquired etching sent to me by Nick. It's a big shrimp; very nice! Nick has quickly learned and master the art of printmaking at BYU-I. A museum in Idaho Falls recently purchased one of his pieces. Having studied printmaking myself while in school, I am very impressed with the quality of both the illustration and the print technique. To see more of his art click on the links to the left.
Posted by
Andrew Bontorno
7:08 AM
Posted by
Andrew Bontorno
6:22 AM
I've had a recent renewed interest in maps. I use them constantly to find my way around Jersey. I've come to realize that some are easy to read while others are very difficult. Besides being accurate, good maps are well designed. I ran across this redesign of the NY subway map by Eddie Jabbour. It might not be super functional yet but it sure looks better.Of course Massimo Vignelli's 1972 map is quite nice as well.
Maps come in a variety of styles.
Posted by
Andrew Bontorno
5:40 PM